How many of you think that God is an external entity waiting to punish us for the mistakes we commit? Often I have seen friends of mine offering considerable sums of money to temples, churches etc... Do you believe that such offerings will actually help "God" in carrying out special favours for you? Then what is the difference between 'God" and a corrupt politician? Is this faith or some kind of fear or rather superstition? What exactly is the basis of faith in God? How is that all the cultures in the world, however disconnected they were from each other, came up with their own idea of a God? Is this a mere coincidence? How can we explain God? And if we can, there are religions which contradict another religions beliefs... so does that mean that some religions are right and some are wrong?????
Achan & Kochu
1 year ago
Welcome to Bloggerville!
This is an exhaustive issue that you have raised.I for one believe that it's our deeds that can lead us to God and not materialistic offerings.
Nice post.
Btw,have you blogged/written before?
Thanks for your comment in my blog. Kindly add mine into yours and then inform me.. Keep in touch and have a nice time..
m happy to be ur first comment poster in ur debut blog..(i suppose)..!!
1.i really dont agree in offering money to god..i still dont understand why people do it? actually has grown the demand of SHOW OFF's in indian society
3.why cant people just live normal and w/o offering money showcase? is a word that comes from within and not by popularization
of quantily of money offered to god this case,i would not only blame humans,but also the pandits in temple,who actually are real "money minded" and i say this cozz i have faced this many times(i m not talking bout all pandits okie)
Well said, We should understand that the amighty isn't an external entity but part of our very being. And... this is my first blogging experience. Thanks for visiting :-)
Will do that buddy...
Thanks for the comment.. yeah u r right. This is my debut Blog!
I fully agree with you. Materialism has brought society to such a state that it is beyond repair.
Good one to start with, 'N yah the belief of God differs from people to people, for some he's the Almighty, for some he's the one to ask help for when needed, and for some it's just nonsense.
I don't believe in donating money to God :) and I don't believe in any God based on religions, but I do believe in God which is above all religions and who has written each and every one's fate.
I believe that God is a faculty of the human mind.. inherent in each one.. and it takes a great deal to discover that one which each one of us posesses... And those who do are called enlightened souls!
So, u think God exists only in mind which means God's not real?
Aneesh... the mind is completely real :-)
We dream a lot, that happens in mind, does that mean it's real?
u can't connect everything wth reason frnd u have to sometimes get to ur emotional depth. and abt donating money i too dont believe in it unless its 4 some poor people.
abt politicians ye ther r many who do corruption and thn go and donate money to wash their guilt.
haha.. :-) no... not at all... all thats happens in the mind isn't real. The point I'm trying to explain here is total philosophy and meditation. This might take some time to digest.. will tel ya when u meet on monday (btw.. Aneesh n I are collegues at the workplace:) )... Try reading "The mustard Seed".. n works of vivekananda when u find time..
I totally agree with u.. well said :) are u really only 17..??!! :)... "True faith has no Reason, but you need to have faith in your Reason"
ye i am 17 only.
If you get the answers to your questions, mail me :P :P
haha.. i will. :)
Faith in God is based on awareness that there is somebody higher up looking after ur interests.
Yes he punishes but he forgives a lot more.
All religious beliefs ultimately believe in LOVE....anything else added is made up along the way to look after their own vested interests.
I do believe in making donations to the church but not for getting my wished fulfilled or 'showing off'.
I believe God has blessed me in numerous ways. To show my gratefulness I believe in donating a part of my earnings as 'Tithe' to the church or to the needy.
am I sounding fanatic:-) really I'm not...half the time I'm asking God to overlook my laid back attitude for not keeping in touch with him always:-P
and thanks for visiting.
Nice thoughts. "All religions are strung on the Lord like pearls on a necklace. In whatever way people offer their worship to the Lord, He accepts it. All religions lead to the same truth"
God to me is just an experience of Faith and the best experience i evr had ....
well said. Thats really well said :)
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