Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I have a dream that one day the termination of pregnancy before the fetus is capable of independent life, known as abortion, will be abolished. Abortion is not fair to the child, after all he did nothing wrong and he deserves to live and not be killed. The child deserves a chance. I have a dream that Partial birth be considered a felony since the baby is aged nine weeks and partially delivered. Once the baby is partially born scissors get jammed into its neck and then a vacuum is applied to suck the brains out. This needs to be illegal because the baby is perfectly fine and ready to be born. It is murder in the first degree. I have a dream that all women and all men will be more responsible before they make big decisions in their life. They will live out the true meaning of their creed and have morals. They will not engage in irresponsible sex but wait until they are happily married. I have a dream that rape, assault, and molestation will be erased. A woman can be raped and get pregnant. She will not want to go through the nine months of pain and therefore abort her pregnancy. To eliminate this problem we must eliminate rape and any other situation related to rape. I have a dream that all alcohol and drug abuse will be eradicated. Both alcohol and drugs affect you neurologically which causes your brain to act abnormal. This makes you incoherent to your surroundings which can lead to rape. I have a dream that pregnant women will look at the fetus forming inside of them as a child and not a choice. Once the fetuses are fully grown it will be born and live a happy and wonderful life!


RiverSoul said...

Although I agree with you regarding abortion, i cant say i do so in case of rape cases.
Arun, Rape cases are different. The woman does not want a child, and has been forced to undergo the trauma of rape and for her, abortion is her one way out of social stigma and a new and fresh chance at life. Also, think abt the fatherless child, and his struggle to gain a place in the society which considers such children as outcaste and untouchable. I am, ofcourse referring to rural areas, where the mindset is still primitive

Wonderfull and really thoughtfull post on a very neglected issue.
Keep it up mate.

Priya Joyce said...

An ethical dream I should say. We all dream of an ethical society and some of us do things which can make it so. Though are not up to the mark.
About ur issue I just would like to say this if acceptance from the society comes in cases like rape then the victims will also have the courage to give birth to the child and walk with the confidence of not being guilty in being raped.
And another factor which leads to abortion is Vansh.For tat also people need to know tat what is the need of someone to keep up their name on this earth wen they r not of much importance, as men come and go.
Third thing is though abortions r bad but not all r due to the above reasons. as its sometimes done to save the mother's life and for preventing the birth of an abnormal child.

Again a gud post. luved to write the comment.

Saranya S said...

Your dreams are pretty fair! Reducing rape and alcoholism will have a huge impact on may lives. Abortion is a widely discussed issue which, many countries have different rules on. but it will lead to a healthy society if the number of abortions are reduced especially the back door ones.

Heart'n'Soul said...

Arun...well written

And a lot of genuine concerns here but my friend its not all tht simple

***it will be born and live a happy and wonderful life!

Think of someone who cant raise a child...bringin tht child to life is a worse crime than aborting it...y make tht childs whole life miserable???

And well as much as we run away from the "pleasure" aspect of intercourse...its the major one...what if someone concieves by mistake...happens a lot of times...wt thn?

I really don think its got anything to do with morals and responsibilties...and/or with post or pre marital sex for that matter.

No offence my friend...just a different POV

The Seeker said...

Well! I have a dream!! There's a concern in your voice!! Well the world we live in!
and if you don't mind! let me share my one dream here.
Let all those orphaned kids and abandoned kids in street find some love and get into a home and live a blessed life like every other happy kid!!!

Aneesh said...

A good dream, but I wish it'll come true. But the reality, as always, is not all dreams come true :). The decision is each to and everyone of us :)

Akshay said...

Good thought process.... Have you seen's kindda on same lines.... you know that we don't live in a perfect world.... Juno captures this beautifully..

joie de vivre said...

sumthin really worth reading.

Anonymous said...

I beg to differ greatly on the views about abortion.
A foetus is just a mass of dividing cells in the female and nothing else, and would you rather that the baby is hated,be thought of as a burden by his parents after coming in this world? If such a thing happens: the child is not likely to live a "happy and wonderful life" and would lead to an irresponsible society.
Its as simple as that, isnt it?

Bearing a child needs gr8 attention and vigilance of the parents, if such are not the conditions,then don't have a child at all(even if tht means discontinuing the division of those cells)...wayy better!

And who said pre-marital sex is necessarily irresponsible? Although you did not say that directly but "wait until marriage" does imply it.

Its undemocratic and archaic to say that any law concerning the personal descretion of the couples must come into play at all,after all,its they who gonna be bearing the responsibilities, its their combined genes,and they have the right to decide when their copy wud be coming on this earth(or wud be coming at all)!.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Solitaire said...

I think it is a good dream where normal and healthy babies are concerned. However, in certain cases, abortion is the best option, otherwise the baby's life will be very hard, and the mother or the baby's life could be in jeopardy.

Keshi said...

I agree with u Arun. Abortion is sad and very unfair on the child. But some women (teenagers, rape victims) who get pregnant, dun hv any other means but to terminate the pregnancy.

Sometimes it's very hard for us to be in their shoes and u'stand how they feel.


Arun said...


I agree with u completely in the case of rape cases

Arun said...


I completely agree with u on that. In the case the child born would be abnormal/protecting the mother. A cousin of mine was born an invalid and she lived cokmpletely crippled and bedridden till the age of 20.. She passed away in Feb. Her mom didnt weant to abort inspite of the doctors warning her that the child would be invalid. I guess abortion is the best option in that case.

Arun said...


these scenarios I was talkin about are far from reality and what could be achieved... sadly!! But then noone can stop us from dreaming can they!! :)

Arun said...


Life itself is a beautifl experience. Within that we are cought up in poverty, disease and misery. But I believe life in itself is a true gift and being able to experience it itself is a privilege!

Arun said...

my musings,

No one has a condemned life :)

Arun said...


very true. U understood wat i was trying to convery. I was just dreaming and not stressing upon rights and wrongs... just dreaming about best case scenarios!!

Arun said...


I just downloaded Juno. Yet to watch it. i know it deals with teen pregnancy n all :)

Heart'n'Soul said...

Yes its a beautiful experience...n its amusing since its comin from a

But its not really fun u know...try readin a book called difficult daughters and the description of the protagonist’s mother's life...u will know wt I mean :)

Heart'n'Soul said...

Yes its a beautiful experience...n its amusing since its comin from a

But its not really fun u know...try readin a book called difficult daughters and the description of the protagonist’s mother's life...u will know wt I mean :)

Anindita said...

I hope this happens. But I stand divided with your thoughts when it comes to rape cases...

Arun said...


Thanks :)

Arun said...


"A foetus is just a mass of dividing cells in the female and nothing else"... I cannot agree. No arguments here.. I simply cannot agree to this thats all! And I firmly believe that being alive and being able to experience the gift of life itself is a beautiful experience.... it defies all hardships, poverty etc.... everythin is possible only because of the fact that v are alive. being alive is a platform to make... and both good and bad experiences will come... but denying that life doesnt seem the right thing for me. But I guess abortion is the best solution in the case of those who would be born with deformities and also rape cases. And.. I dont believe premarital sex is irresponsible.. i just said that there could be irresponsible ppl among the lot who end up conceiving... i didnt not mean that "everyone" was irresponsible!! N i think that its better in the indian context, to be married to have a child n that doesn't mean No to sex until marriage :) N abput the law being "undemocratic and archaic" .. I feel it would make people more responsible n thus reduce the need for such abortions!!

Arun said...


I completely agree. :-)

Arun said...

I completely agree with u on these points :)

Arun said...


so men dont find life beautiful eh?? hey.. cmonm!! beauty lies in the eye of the beholder.. mebe i find happiness in a bottle o beer.. but thats happiness!! :)

Arun said...


I guess there's no other choice in the rape cases.. i completely agree with u

Heart'n'Soul said...

hi hi hi....spoken like a true


Unknown said...

The post was so informative....I didnt know that the brain was sucked out....that sounds so horryfing and cruel.
I agree with you over everything that you have written....but do you seriously feel that a raped woman, if pregnant, should not abort????

Unknown said...

And yes, I loved your vision,a dn I loved you thought is amazing that there are men in the world who think this way....:)

Pooja said...

wen it comes 2 abortion i hav quite different views...wen u cant give ur child a life, wen u cant give him/her everything he/she deserves it's better u dont give birth 2 him/her...if u cant bring up a child, dont bring him/her 2 d earth...
u mght argue dat d couples sud b mor careful...but dis has happend, happens n will occur further n if dey(married/umarried couples)cant take responsibility of d li'l one it's better they abort it...

Arun said...



Arun said...


I completely agree. I guessed I didnt stress upon that point in the post... I should have!!

Arun said...


I have diferetn views here. but i gues there's no right and wrong here... nothins completely right and nothins completely wrong. every situation demands a diferent action!!

rainboy said...

she's so right "difficult daughters"
do read it.
abortion would always be here...the decisions rests on the parents.There will be ppl who hate this but i think it's always the parents choice.Nobody forces them into it.
They do it as there's no other way out for them.

tarana said...

hmmm....a different post....
really a gud one dr.....

Arun said...


I guess i'll read the book "difficult daughters" sometime :)

Thana Lekshmi said...

Just passes by your blog... Nice posts there..

And i wish your dreams come true!!!

Gunjan Aylawadi said...

abortion is a mother's choice. if she feels incapable of raising d child well, she can go ahead do watever!

nan said...

All your dreams are fair
But if there is no such things called abortion then most of the born babies will definitely face the following consequence, which is far worse than abortion.

(check out the post titled a cell named orphan in my blog)

Arun said...


Thanks a lot :)

Arun said...


Different ppl... different POVs... ine's different!